The best and easiest way to reach me is to email Brian directly.

Email: dixietheprayingdog
(remove the spaces before the @ sign.)

He’s pretty good at getting back to you in a short time.

Remember, there is a charge for me to appear at your event.

My schedule gets filled quickly, so contact my dad, Brian, at the email address above for the days or times you’d like me to come. He’ll also go over the cost/expenses. 


I can appear at your events to greet everyone and ride around in my great vehicles, show them my tricks or I can do meet and greets at your booth durning trade shows.


We give antler shed demonstrations, retrieving demos, deer recovery demos.


For therapy dog love, I visit hospitals, nursing homes, care facilities, senior centers, VA centers/events, etc.


My dad and I have seminars on K9 Fire Safety, Hunter / Tree Stand Safety and Tracking safety.  We have motivational talks about the house fire, the near death tree stand fall, and how he uses those experiences to help people with me.  


Visiting schools is so much fun – kids are awesome.

 I pray & give hugs and kisses, be friends, sing, and even ride in my decked out jeep!

I’m sure to draw a crowd because people 🥰 😍 me!